Welcome to the online ordering system for wordserver 2.5.
PLEASE NOTE : Online ordering is only available at this time for ws2.5. To order wsHome, wsPhoto, wsPro, wsDesign or ws for Charities, please email us at sales@wordserver.co.uk or call us on 01603 504212. (outside UK): 00 44 1603 504212, stating your requirements.
There are several sections to complete, labelled by the coloured tabs. The first is Admin details. Your registration is not complete until you reach the final screen, where an email will be sent to you confirming your details. You will then be provided with two options for payment (By postal cheque or online payment with PayPal - a global leader in secure online payments).
You have the safe knowledge that you have the right to opt out and cancel your registration at any time before payment is made. It is only after we have received your payment, that we will proceed to activate your account.
If we have not received payment after 30 days of registration we will get in touch to discuss any issues that you may have. No charges are made if you decide to cancel before payment. Please refer to our terms and conditions for full details.
Should you experience any difficulty with the registration process, please click the 'Contact us' link in the left navigation - where a member of our sales team will be happy to guide you through the process. |